Children's Staff Compliance Tracker Updates for Waiver Year 2023-2024

  • Document also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

May 24, 2024

To:   Health Homes Serving Children (HHSC), Children's Health Home Care Management
        Agencies (HHCMAs), Children's Waiver Home and Community Based Service (HCBS)
        Providers, and Children and Youth Evaluation Services (C-YES)

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) is required to verify provider qualifications, training, and staffing requirements (i.e., background checks) annually and report this information to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), under the terms of the 1915(c) Children's Waiver. All HCBS Providers, HHCMs, and C-YES who provide HCBS or care management to Children's Waiver participants are required to report this information to DOH electronically through the Staff Compliance Tracker. Agencies must ensure that information related to staff qualifications, training, and background checks for any staff who provided services to youth from March 1, 2023-April 30, 2024, is added into the Staff Compliance Tracker by Friday, June 14, 2024. Agencies are encouraged to update staffing information within the system regularly.

Previously known as the Qualification and Training Tracker, the Staff Compliance Tracker was launched on June 19, 2023. Human Resources/Personnel Staff of HCBS providers, HHCMAs, and C-YES must access the Staff Compliance Tracker, located in Incident Reporting and Management System (IRAMS), via the Health Commerce System (HCS) and enter/review staff compliance information.

Please refer to the following resources for information on accessing/utilizing the Children's Services Staff Compliance Tracker:

  • Children's Waiver Qualification and Training Tracker Webinar (Now called Staff Compliance Tracker) - (PDF) | Recording (YouTube) - June 28, 2023
  • IRAMS Staff Qualification Webinar Q & A - (Web) - (PDF) - June 28, 2023
  • Children's Services Capacity and Staff Compliance Trackers User Guide - (PDF) - February 2023 Updated: June 2023

The Staff Compliance Tracker includes requirements for HHCMAs, C-YES, and HCBS providers. Agencies must provide information applicable to their provider type which may include, but is not limited to, dates of completion for the following requirements:

  • CHRC Criminal Background Check (CMA/HCBS Providers)
  • SCR Eligibility Verification (CMA/HCBS Providers)
  • Staff Exclusion List (SEL) Check (CMA/HCBS Providers)
  • Mandated Reporting Training (CMA/HCBS Providers)
  • Personal Safety/Safety in the Community Training (CMA/HCBS Providers)
  • Trauma-Informed Care Training (CMA/HCBS Providers)

  • Engagement & Outreach Training (CMA)
  • Person-Centered Learning Training (CMA)
  • LGBTQ Issues Training (CMA)
  • Cultural Competency/Awareness Training (CMA)
  • Meeting Facilitation Training (CMA)
  • Plan of Care (POC) Training (CMA)
  • CANS-NY Training/Certification (CMA)
  • Suicide Prevention Training (HCBS providers)
  • Domestic Violence Signs and Basic Interventions Training (HCBS Providers)
  • Strength-Based Approaches Training (HCBS Providers)

The Staff Compliance Tracker is available throughout the year to Human Resources/Personnel Staff to enter information as agency staffing changes and trainings occur. Effective June 1, 2024, new employees should be added to the Staff Compliance Tracker within 30 days of hire date or CHRC verification, whichever comes later. Employees that leave employment should be ended in the Staff Compliance Tracker within 30 days of employment end date.

Human Resources/Personnel Staff must verify the existing information and enter any needed additional staffing information related to the 2023-2024 Waiver Year no later than Friday, June 14, 2024.

Please reach out to with questions or if assistance is needed.