Bureau of Mental Hygiene Services Rate Setting
Bureau of Mental Hygiene Services
Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) Rates
Medicaid FFS Rates: are established for the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and the Office of Mental Health (OMH) programs as follows:
- Supervised and Individualized Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Group Day Habilitation
- Prevocational Services
- Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF)
- Article 16 clinics
- Fee Based Rates
- Residential Treatment Facility (RTF)
Rate questions, email mhrs@health.ny.gov
For questions regarding Medicaid FFS Mental Hygiene Services rates other than the rates listed, refer to the Office of Mental Health or the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse services website.
Property Cost Verifications and Final Expenditure Reports:
Capital rate inquiries, email pcv@health.ny.gov