Archived Questions and Answers

Chronic Illness Demonstration Project (CIDP)

1. What has DOH learned from the CIDP (Chronic Illness Demonstration Project) process that is relevant to the creation of Health Homes? What has worked well with CIDP? What has not worked so well?

The Chronic Illness Demonstration Project authorized the NYS Commissioner of the Department of Health, in consultation with the Office of Mental Health and Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, to improve care coordination for medically complicated Medicaid Fee for Service beneficiaries across NYS. During the pilot project, it became clear that some of the difficulty associated with this type of program was the ability to locate the individuals that most needed the services. It was also apparent that in order to create the best model that served the complex needs of this population, a broad network of providers across all medical and behavioral health disciplines was needed. These valuable lessons learned from the CIDP have contributed to the creation of the Health Home model. Payment for outreach was implemented separately from the engagement rate and has provided additional support to providers to ensure the population with the greatest need is located and engaged in the Health Home model. Targeting the correct individuals is essential in obtaining Medicaid Savings. For CIDP information please follow this link and look under History of the Health Home Program - History of Health Home Implementation.

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