EPIC Outreach

Mission of EPIC Outreach

The mission of EPIC Outreach is to educate the community and professional organizations throughout New York State (NYS) of the benefits of the EPIC program. The EPIC Outreach team promotes and explains EPIC program benefits through various practices:

  • Training Sessions: Sessions are provided as either webinars or in-person events for professionals, caregivers and seniors. Training topics include, but are not limited to:
    • EPIC 101
    • How to Complete an EPIC application
    • EPIC and Extra Help
  • Presentations: Presentations are given to provide an overview of the EPIC program via webinar and at in-person events. In-person events include senior group meetings, senior housing facility meetings, health fairs, senior lunch program meals, and networking group meetings for professionals.
  • Communication Tools: Informational communications are sent to organizations and professionals via email to inform them of EPIC updates. Many documents, including the EPIC Program Highlights, are available on the EPIC web site under the "What's New" section and the "Member Info" category.

The following in-person and/or virtual services are offered:

  • Meeting Attendance: The team joins networking and coalition groups throughout New York State and assists with planning events to update organizations/professionals on educating clients regarding the EPIC program.
  • Provider Visits:The team visits pharmacies to provide education for staff, answer any questions, and supply supporting educational materials on the EPIC program.
  • Training for Professionals: The team provides the most up to date information to professionals on the EPIC program.
  • Presentations for Seniors and Caregivers: The team provides information on the EPIC program by explaining the eligibility requirements and program benefits while answering questions on the EPIC program.
  • Health Fair and Conference Attendance: The team distributes supporting materials and answers questions on the EPIC program.
  • Community Workshop Attendance: The team assists with EPIC applications, answers questions, and provides guidance to current members
  • Radio and TV Interviews Held: The team discusses and promotes the EPIC program.
  • Material Distribution: The team distributes supporting materials including newsletter articles, brochures/applications, informational cards and flyers.

The EPIC Outreach Team and Contact Informations

ContactCoverageEmail Address
General EmailGeneralNYSEPICOutreach@magellanhealth.com
Michele ShultisCapital District/Upstatemichele.shultis@primetherapeutics.com
Marie E KernizanDownstatemarie.kernizan@primetherapeutics.com
Gabrielle DotterweichWestern/Central/Southern Tiergabrielle.dotterweich@primetherapeutics.com