Information for Healthcare Providers

In New York State there are an estimated 410,000 individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). This number is projected to grow to 460,000 by 2025. Although there is an active research agenda, exploring the impact of early detection and diagnosis and potential treatments, ADRD remains a serious concern in New York State, as increasing numbers of patients and their caregivers face the overwhelming challenges associated with the progression of this disease.

New York State's public health response is the implementation of a $25 million Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver Support Initiative. It is the first of its kind in the nation to support people with ADRD and, especially, their caregivers. The purpose of this Initiative includes preventing emergency room visits and hospitalizations, providing early diagnosis and care, supporting patients at home and in the community, and improving health, quality of life, and well-being for both the patients and their caregivers.

As a healthcare provider you can help address issues related to ADRD through: implementing procedures for early detection and diagnosis of dementia; talking to patients and providers about planning for the future; managing co-existing conditions co-morbidities in an effort to maximize health; and developing linkages with community based organizations that support patients and caregivers. To find additional resources and information about the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of ADRD, healthcare providers should visit links to the NYS Centers of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease: NYSDOH-funded Alzheimer's Disease Program Initiatives For more information about ADRD services and resources in your community or to contact a program supported under the New York State Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver Support Initiative, please visit: Where Can I Get Help?

Tools for Healthcare Providers