Stop Loss Contact Information

In an effort to improve our communications with the plans and to ensure your correspondence and questions are answered in as timely a manner as possible, we have created a Stop Loss mailbox that every person on the Stop Loss team has access to.

If you would please direct all your communications with our team to this mailbox -, we will respond to you as soon as possible. Please remember that if you reference a file submission or failure sheet, include the name and date if possible of the file so we can respond.

Common communications with the team include:

  • Annual Stop Loss attestation forms
  • General processing questions such as:
    • Did you receive my report and is it formatted correctly?
    • When was payment processed?
    • I made a mistake in my file, can you please delete it and wait for me to send new?
  • New or Change of Stop Loss contact information.
  • Questions regarding your failure reports. Although the reports are sent through the HCS secured portal by one of our team members, you can correspond with that member through this box.
  • Everything not mentioned above.
Encounter Issues:

If your plan is experiencing encounter issues, the Stop Loss Unit cannot assist you with this. You will need to contact the Medicaid Data Unit. The mailbox address is:

Lastly, but most important:

The Stop Loss team mailbox is not a secure portal. If your communication includes patient sensitive information (PSI), then you must use the HCS to communicate. Due to restriction of the HCS, we cannot establish a team mailbox. For this type of correspondence, I would suggest that you copy the Stop Loss mailbox and alert the team that there is supporting documentation (relative to your question) sent to one of the members through the HCS portal. That team member will then download the documentation for all of us.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. We are hoping this makes communications with our plans easier.