New York State Cancer Consortium

This section provides basic information about the New York State Cancer Consortium. Click on each box below for more information on each topic:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), comprehensive cancer control is a collaborative process through which a community and its partners pool resources to reduce the burden of cancer. The CDC started the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to help states, tribes and territories collect data to determine their greatest cancer-related needs, and develop and carry out plans to meet those needs.

The Department of Health oversees the New York State (NYS) Comprehensive Cancer Control Program which coordinates the Department's efforts to build strong partnerships with state and local cancer organizations, assess the burden of cancer and monitor changes in population-based measures, mobilize support for comprehensive cancer control activities, participate in development of a NYS Cancer Control Plan and effect policy, health systems, and environmental changes to address the cancer burden among New Yorkers.

The NYS Cancer Consortium is a voluntary network of over 200 individuals and organizations in NYS that collaborate to address the cancer burden in NYS. The Consortium and its members are guided by a five-year strategic plan, the NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan (Plan), which outlines objectives and suggested strategies to reduce the burden of cancer in NYS. Members are from the public and private sectors and have missions aligned with reducing cancer incidence and mortality. Since they are engaged in research; surveillance; prevention; early detection; education; diagnosis and treatment; management; support; and palliative care, members are uniquely positioned to help achieve Plan goals and objectives.

The Department is an active member in the NYS Cancer Consortium, participating in the Consortium's Steering Committee, providing support to the Steering Committee and other Consortium work groups and facilitating the development and evaluation of the Plan.

The mission of the Consortium is to reduce the human and economic burden of cancer in NYS.

The primary activities of the Consortium include:

  • Develop and periodically revise NYS' Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan;
  • Support Plan implementation by member organizations, which are facilitated by committees and action teams;
  • Disseminate and share relevant information about cancer prevention and control activities in NYS; and
  • Work collaboratively to implement and promote Plan priorities, while respecting and embracing the cultural, demographic and geographic diversity of NYS.

The most recent NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan is for 2018-2023.

The 2018-2023 NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan was created by the Consortium and is meant as a guide to identify and address the cancer burden in NYS. The Plan serves as a framework for the Consortium, professionals and interested parties as they engage in actions and initiatives to ease the burden of cancer in local communities and across the state.

The Plan focuses on seven priority areas, representing the cancer care continuum, including: Cancer-related Health Equity, Health Promotion and Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, Treatment, Survivorship, Palliative Care, and Health Care Workforce. Priority areas include measurable objectives; suggested strategies; and evidence-based, evidence-informed, best practices and promising practices.

Individuals and organizations of all kinds can use this Plan as a guide to help reduce the burden of cancer in New York State. No matter how small an activity may seem, all New Yorkers can make a difference at home, at work, and in their communities. Use these resources to explore strategies to prevent and control cancer and pledge to take action:

An interactive online dashboard serves as a key source for monitoring statewide progress towards meeting Plan objectives.

A summary of progress made toward achieving targets for the previous Plan’s objectives (2012-2017) is available in the Final Progress for NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2012-2017 Measurable Objectives report. The report includes progress from Plan baseline to the most recently available data point for 24 measurable objectives in two of the six Plan priority areas: Health Promotion and Cancer Prevention and Early Detection.

Download a copy of the 2018-2023 NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan. To order hard copies of the Plan, send an email to

  • The Consortium was formed in 2003 from a group of individuals and organizations that convened to write the first NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.
  • The NYS Department of Health is one of 67 state, tribe and territorial programs participating in the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP), funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Consortium is a required deliverable of the CDC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Cooperative Agreement, which charges states receiving these grant funds to work with a cancer consortium to develop, implement, and monitor cancer control plan strategies.

The Consortium invites individuals and organizations in NYS whose missions align with the goal of reducing cancer incidence and mortality to join the Consortium. Members are uniquely positioned to achieve Plan goals and objectives including those from the public and private sectors engaged in research; surveillance; prevention; early detection; education; diagnosis and treatment; management; support; and palliative care. Member efforts contribute directly to implementation of Plan strategies that are measured and evaluated.

There are no membership dues and participation is voluntary. Members are invited to participate on topic area-specific action teams and receive information about state and local efforts to achieve Plan goals and objectives and general information about cancer prevention and control.

To join, visit the NYS Cancer Consortium website and submit the Member Commitment Form.