Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) Budget Guidelines for Awards

After awards are made, each project shall submit a budget in order to receive a distribution from DOH. Project(s) will begin at the determination of the institution, anytime after the awards are announced but no later than March 20th 2025. A budget (for either one or two years) must be submitted no later than four weeks before the chosen start date. At the conclusion of each year, institutions will be required to submit a report of actual expenses incurred. Institutions that received a primary and secondary award must clearly identify expenses associated with each project in the budget. The budget must include matching funds of at least $100,000 annually as provided in the institutional commitment letter. Each line item should include a separate justification describing the nature of these expenses.

Allowable Costs

  • Salary and fringe benefits for Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program fellows
  • Educational expenses, including formalized instruction (tuition, fees, materials, etc.)
  • Travel expenses
  • Supplies and minor equipment to conduct research (maximum of $10,000 per item)
  • Publications and research coordination expenses
  • Mentors, Project Director, other support services and administrative expenses (Maximum of 10 percent of total Budget annually. This amount can be increased by the amount of indirect costs that are reduced as noted below.) Indirect costs (maximum of 5 percent of State funds annually)
  • Any request to modify primary or secondary budget(s) after approved by the New York State Department of Health must account for the caps noted above in the aggregate.

Use the worksheet provided to submit to New York State Department of Health. This worksheet can be expanded beyond one page as necessary.