Statement From State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald On National Cheer Up the Lonely Day

ALBANY, N.Y. (July 11, 2024) - "We must take some time out of our busy schedules and acknowledge National Cheer Up the Lonely Day. Whether it is a family member, close friend, colleague, or anyone going through a trying time, surprise them today with a call, visit, or hug and spread the spirit of love and empathy.

National Cheer Up the Lonely Day was the idea of the late Francis Pesek of Detroit, Michigan, who wanted to encourage people to show kindness to one another and consider those bound to their homes or nursing homes. The day is celebrated each year on July 11, Mr. Pesek's birthday.

Social isolation and loneliness affect people of all ages. Studies show that social isolation and loneliness is associated with multiple physical and mental health issues, including cognitive decline, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disorders, weakened immunity, Alzheimer's disease and premature death.

So, let's recognize this day and remember that just a simple act of kindness or checking in with someone can brighten the day of a person who may be feeling alone."