Public Hearing on Reducing Medicaid Cost, Improving Efficiency Rescheduled for This Friday in New York City

New Hearing Date Set Following Cancellation of Hearings Due to Snowstorm in NYC

ALBANY, NY (January 31, 2011) – The New York State Medicaid Redesign Team, created by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to conduct a comprehensive examination of New York's Medicaid program, will hold a public hearing on Friday, February 4, in New York City.

A single hearing, providing extended hours, will be held in place of two hearings scheduled for last Thursday in New York City that had to be cancelled due to a major snowstorm.

The forums are among six regional hearings being conducted across the state to solicit suggestions from the public and stakeholders on ways to eliminate waste and inefficiency while improving quality in the Medicaid program.

No pre-registration is required. Individuals wishing to speak will be asked to register on site. All presentations will be limited to two minutes to accommodate as many speakers as possible.

The rescheduled public hearing for New York City is:

NYC (Manhattan)
Friday, February 4
12 p.m. – 5 p.m
Baruch College
14th Floor – Room 14-220
William & Anita Newman Vertical Campus
One Bernard Baruch Way
55 Lexington Avenue & E. 24th Street (entrance on 24th Street)
New York, NY 10010

Suggestions for reforming New York's Medicaid program may also be submitted on the Medicaid Redesign web site at: