Attachment 7: Announcement Notice

  • Notice is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF, 107KB)


<Case Name>
<City>, <State>, <Zip Code>

IMPORTANT! Medicaid is changing

Dear <Consumer Name>:           <CIN#>

We are writing because you get Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD)/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver services. The Medicaid Program has a new way for you to get these NHTD/TBI services. You must join a Managed Long Term Care Plan <or Medicaid Managed Care Plan> (also called a Plan), to keep receiving the NHTD/TBI services you get now.

You do not need to do anything at this time. This change will happen over the next several months. This letter is to tell you about the new way that Medicaid will provide your NHTD/TBI services and how this change will happen.

How will this change the way I get NHTD/TBI services?

You will be asked to choose a Managed Long Term Care <Medicaid Managed Care> Plan. The Plan you select will arrange for all your NHTD/TBI Waiver services.

What Happens Next?

You will get another letter and more information from New York Medicaid Choice. Counselors at New York Medicaid Choice can answer any questions you may have about joining a Plan. You have 60 days after you receive that letter to choose a Plan. If you do not select a Plan within 60 days, one will be selected for you.

What You Can Do Now

  • Share this letter with your family or someone who knows about your health care needs.
  • You may also speak to your Regional Resource Development Center (RRDC) or your service coordinator. They also know about this change and can keep you informed.
  • Call New York Medicaid Choice. They can assure you which Plan works with your service coordinator agency or other NHTD/TBI providers. Please have the name of your service coordinator or other providers handy when you call.

If you have trouble reading or understanding this letter or if you have questions - call New York Medicaid Choice:

Phone Number: 1-888-401-MLTC or 1-888-401-6582
TTY Service: 1-888-329-1541

Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.

Thank you.