Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center (CFEEC) Fact Sheet

What you should know about the Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center

The CFEEC will be a statewide resource for those seeking Community Based Long Term Care

  • The CFEEC is a statewide resource that will provide independent and conflict-free evaluation, education, and enrollment services for new applicants in need of community based long term care services.
  • The CFEEC will specifically evaluate an individual's eligibility for:
    • Medicaid community based long term care, and
    • Enrollment in a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan.

Implementation will be phased-in

  • Implementation is scheduled to begin in October, 2014 and will be phased-in by MLTC Region.
  • CFEEC will be statewide by Summer 2015.

People will still have access to services

  • The CFEEC will help people get the information and services they need.
  • All new MLTC plan enrollees must now have a Uniform Assessment System (UAS) entry on record prior to enrollment. New enrollees will now contact the CFEEC instead of going directly to plans for enrollment.
  • This policy does not apply to individuals transferring from one plan to another or from one MLTC product to another.

This is a Federal requirement

  • This initiative is a new requirement as part of New York's Federal-State Health Reform Partnership section 1115(a) Medicaid Demonstration (Demonstration). Specifically, under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Special Terms and Conditions (STCs), which set forth the states obligations to CMS during the life of the Demonstration, New York State must implement an independent and conflict-free long term services and supports evaluation system for newly eligible Medicaid recipients.

New York has partnered with Maximus as the independent entity

  • Maximus will serve as the independent and conflict-free entity providing evaluation, education and enrollment services. In order to fulfill this new Federal requirement, New York will expand Maximus' current role as Managed Long Term Care enrollment broker. Maximus will build upon their existing infrastructure to provide this service statewide.

Additional Resources