Single Source Procurement: Regional Emergency Medical Services Councils

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law § 163.10(b), The New York State Department of Health is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances, and material and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible. The New York State Department of Health Regional Emergency Medical Services Councils Program has made a determination to issue a Single Source Procurement to 18 eligible grantees to support ongoing currently funded projects.

Article 30 of the Public Health Law authorizes the establishment of Regional Emergency Medical Services Councils. The legislation stipulates that the Commissioner of Health shall designate regional emergency medical services councils and that the department shall provide each regional council with the funds necessary to enable such regional council to carry out its responsibilities. The purpose of the contracts is to continue to support the Statewide REMSCO infrastructure.

The responsibilities of the Regional EMS Councils are as follows:

  • undertake plans, surveys, analyses and studies necessary to prepare recommendations and reports;
  • recommend to the DOH approval of training course sponsors within its region;
  • develop and implement annual EMS training plans in its region;
  • approve Regional Medical Advisory Committee (REMAC) nominees;
  • provide technical assistance and support to voluntary ambulance services. Assist with EMS recruitment and retention training;
  • coordinate EMS programs in its region; and
  • make determinations of public need for the establishment of additional EMS and ambulance services (Certificate of Need process).
Procurement / Program Name Regional Emergency Medical Services Councils
Contractor Name(s) Multiple contracts - See attached list.
Contract Period 4/1/2020 – 6/30/2020
Contract Number(s) Various contracts - See attached list.