Hepatitis C Innovative Treatment Models contracts

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law §163.10(b), the New York State Department of (DOH) is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible.

Description: These contracts support the implementation of innovative models to deliver hepatitis C treatment to people who inject drugs in nontraditional settings such as co-location at a syringe exchange program/drug user health hub, onsite at drug treatment programs and via mobile van or telehealth. A contract requirement is evaluation of each of these innovative models of care.

Description: These contracts support the implementation of innovative models to deliver hepatitis C treatment to people who inject drugs in noA new formal competitive process is not feasible before the end of the current contracts as complete evaluation information is required to inform the next competitive procurement. The requested 24-month extension includes time to complete a formal competitive process incorporating these evaluation findings.

Procurement / Program Name Hepatitis C Innovative Treatment Models contracts
Contractor Name(s) Montefiore Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, Sun River Health Inc
Contract Period 7/1/24-6/30/26
Contract Number C39908GM-C39910GM