Olmstead MRT Supportive Housing Subsidy

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law §163.10(b), the New York State Department of (DOH) is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible.

Description: The New York State Department of Health, Office of Health Insurance Programs, Division of Program Development and Management, Bureau of Social Care and Community Supports is requesting $500,000 of additional funding for the Olmstead Housing Subsidy (OHS) Program during Year 5 (11/1/2023 – 10/31/2024) of the existing contract C34995GG, with the New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL). The OHS program provides funding for supportive housing services and rental subsidies for high-cost, high-need Medicaid beneficiaries, specifically, for who are residing in a nursing home and can safely transition to the community. NYAIL, the grant awardee, currently provides these services and subsidies for residents across New York State, serving the most vulnerable New Yorkers and saving Medicaid dollars.

Due to the specific circumstances of this procurement and the unique qualifications of the selected firm/entity, a competitive procurement was not feasible in this instance.

Procurement / Program Name Olmstead MRT Supportive Housing Subsidy
Contractor Name(s) New York Association on Independent Living
Contract Period 11/1/2019-10/31/2024
Contract Number C34995GG