Single Source Procurement: Medicaid 1115 Waiver Program

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law § 163.10(b), The New York State Department of Health is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances, and material and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible. Given the rapidly approaching deadlines for submission, negotiation, and finalization of the waiver amendments, the Department did not have sufficient time to contract with a vendor under the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. As a result, the Department sought and was granted approval of a single source contract with Transform Health the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). As these services are critical to obtaining approval of the waiver amendments on a timely basis, and the resulting impact to the larger Medicaid program if there is an extended delay in obtaining CMS approval, continued support from Transform Health is required to avoid either missing a deadline or failing to position New York State most beneficially in its negotiations with CMS.

Procurement / Program Name
Contractor Name(s) Transform Health LLC.
Contract Period 11/1/19-10/31/21
Contract Number(s) C035391