Single Source Procurement: Official NYS Prescription Form, Cost Extension

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law § 163.10(b), the New York State Department of Health is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances, material, and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible. The Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement will extend contract C033003 with Taylor Communications, Inc. at additional cost. The Department has not been able to release the IFB due to a delay in approval from the Division of Budget on the funding necessary for the procurement. The extension will avoid any break in service for Official New York State Prescription forms (ONYSRx) which have a variety of special security and tracking features and must be available to prescribers in NYS.

Procurement / Program Name Official NYS Prescription Form
Contractor Name(s) Taylor Communications, Inc.
Contract Period 12/01/2021 - 08/31/2022
Contract Number C033003