20509 Regional Resource Development Centers for Administration

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law §163.10(b), the New York State Department of (DOH) is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible.

Description: The New York State Department of Health, Office of Aging and Long Term Care has made a determination to award an eighteen month contract extension to Southern Tier Independence Center Inc, Glens Falls Independent Living Center, Sunnyview Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Headway of Western New York Inc, Unity Hospital of Rochester, ARISE Child & Family Service Inc, Self Initiated Living Options, Inc, and Westchester Independent Living Center on a single source basis for administration of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion and Traumatic Brain Injury waivers. Due to the specific circumstances of this procurement and the unique qualifications of the selected entities, a competitive procurement was not feasible in this instance.

Procurement / Program Name 20509 Regional Resource Development Centers for Administration
Contractor Name(s) Multiple – See attached list
Contract Period 5/1/2019 – 10/31/2025
Contract Number Multiple – See attached list