FAQs from the Lessons Learned Outreach Session

  • FAQs Also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
FAQs from the 2023 Home Care Cost Report Lessons Learned Webinar held on June 13, 2024
Q.1. Where can I access the 2023 Home Care Cost Report initial outreach session presentation after the session?
The recording of the session and corresponding presentation will be available within the "Instructions" tab in the "Useful Links" section of the web-based Tool. The presentation will also be available on the Department's website here under "Home Care Cost Report Outreach Sessions."
Q.2. How do I access the pre-recorded webinar series in the web-based Tool? Are there modules for new learners on how to complete the cost report for their agency?
There are eight pre-recorded modules that are available within the "Instructions" tab in the "Useful Links" section of the web-based Tool under "Pre-recorded webinars," including those for new learners. If agencies have particular questions not covered in these sessions, you can refer to the Cost Report Instructions, FAQ tab, or send an inquiry to the KPMG Home Care mailbox (us- advrisknyshc@kpmg.com).
Q.3. If I have questions as I'm completing my cost report, should I contact my auditor from last year if I still have their contact information?
No, for any questions regarding the 2023 Home Care Cost Report, please refer to the Instructions or FAQ tab in the Tool first, and then send an inquiry to the KPMG Home Care mailbox (us-advrisknyshc@kpmg.com) if you could not find the answer.
Q.4. When will the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site be available to upload supporting documentation?
SFTP account passwords expire after 90 days of inactivity for security purposes. Since most accounts from the 2022 Home Care Cost Report submission have expired from the prior reporting year, we will be resetting all SFTP passwords during the 2023 Home Care Cost Report submission process within the next several weeks to help ensure they do not expire before the supporting documentation due date (September 6, 2024). Once the new SFTP passwords are sent to providers, you will be able to upload supporting documentation for the 2023 cost report.
Web-Based Tool
Q.5. Will the ability to upload the cost report as an Excel file be possible this year?
Uploads of data reports is not currently an available feature, but we recognize the concern, and will continue to look into future modifications if feasible.
Q.6. If I forget my username and/or password for the Tool, how I can recover it?
If you forget your password to the Tool, please select the "Forgot Password?" button on the Web-based Tool login page. You should then receive an email with the steps to reset your password. If you forgot your username, please send an inquiry to the KPMG Home Care mailbox (us- advrisknyshc@kpmg.com) for assistance.
Q.7. How do I request login credentials to the Tool for my agency staff?
To request login credentials for a member of your agency, or an outside consultant who will need access to the Tool, please send an email to the KPMG Home Care mailbox (us-advrisknyshc@kpmg.com), including the individual's name and email address, the agency name, and the agency's Federal Tax-ID.
Q.8. When should I expect a response to a question I asked in the "Provider Questions" tab of the Tool?
Now that the 2023 Cost Report is open, this is a particularly busy time; however, we strive to respond to all questions within 72 hours. We will do our best to respond as soon as possible. Please also send questions to the KPMG Home Care mailbox (us-advrisknyshc@kpmg.com).
Cost Reporting
Q.9. Can my agency's consultant, who is preparing the cost report, sign off on schedules in the Tool?
No, the Department requires an executive-level individual sign off on the completeness and accuracy of the cost report data prior to submission (e.g., CEO or CFO).
Q.10. For non-billable nurse supervision visits, does 1 hour equal 1 visit when reporting service statistics on Schedule 5?
As per the Cost Report Instructions, Nursing Supervision statistics should be reported as the number of Visits/Days on Schedule 5. For reporting purposes, the Department requires the number of visits to calculate a reimbursement rate. While the Department recognizes it is the responsibility of the provider to track patient service statistics required for reporting, the Department also recognizes that agencies may also track hours. In the case of nursing supervision, there are times when 1 hour may be appropriate to equals 1 visit; however, this depends on whether the RN is supervising or providing a combination of supervision services that include training and assessment of skills, which may exceed 1 hour in a certified setting. As such, the number of hours to visits may vary depending on whether the reporting entity is a LHCSA or a CHHA and the supervision services being provided. For further clarification on specific scenarios, please reach out to Mildred.Ferriter@health.ny.gov. Please remember that non-billable supervision and assessment services should be reported in column 7, allocated among the applicable service types, within Schedule 5.
Q.11. Please clarify where non-reimbursable nursing assessment and supervision should be reported on the cost report schedules. A.11. Non-reimbursable nursing supervision and assessment costs should be reported on Schedule 3, in Column 007 (Program RN Supervision/Assessment (Direct Care)). New in the 2023 Home Care Cost Report, Schedule 3a and 3b Column 007 (Program RN Supervision/Assessment (Direct Care)), all reimbursable rows have been "un-greyed" to allow data entry for all reimbursable service type rows in column 007. This update was made to allow agencies to report any direct care services provided and billed under procedure codes T2024 (Nursing Supervision) and T1001 (Nursing Assessment) for Managed Care and rate codes 2742 (Nursing Supervision) and 2787 (Nursing Assessment) for FFS in the Nursing Supervision and Nursing Assessment rows, and to allow agencies to report any costs related to the ongoing supervision, training, assessment of the aides not billable under procedure codes T2024 and T1001 and rate codes 2742 and 2787, which should be allocated among the applicable service types Please refer to pages 21 and 22 of the 2023 Home Care Cost Report Instructions for more information on this topic.
Q.12. Are Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) facilities required to submit the Home Care Cost Report?
If your agency is a PACE program only facility, then your agency is not required to submit a cost report. This is clarified in the Cost Report Instructions.
Q.13. What are the recommended approaches for allocating costs between pediatric and episodic services? Weighted average of FTEs or total hours, or some other way?
Similar to cost allocation of other services that may be required for multiple entities operated by the agency, the Department encourages the provider to determine the methodology that is most logical for your specific agency and that can be clearly documented and explained during an audit. Specific examples include allocation by operating expenses, hours of service, FTEs, square feet occupied, time study, etc.
New Schedule 20: Minimum Wage
Q.14. If my agency has fewer than 30 employees, will I be able to submit the new Schedule 20?
Yes, there are instructions for this scenario as the Department recognizes that agencies may have fewer than 30 employees. In this case, please enter data for all non-exempt direct care employees.
Q.15. For Schedule 20, who is required to sign off prior to submission?
Similar to other Cost Report signoffs, the Department requires an executive-level individual to sign off on the Attestation within Schedule 20 prior to submission (e.g., CEO or CFO).
Q.16. On Schedule 20, is there any way to upload the data rather than manually entering it for all 30 employees?
No, this may not be uploaded due to the automatic calculations and reporting functions within the web-based Tool. However, majority of the information requested may be selected from drop- down menu options or will already be populated based on prior inputs in the web-based Tool. There are only 3 columns that require manual inputs: 1. Unique employee ID, 2. Employee Wages, 3. Employee Hours. Please refer to the Home Care Cost Report Instructions for further details.
Q.17. Who selects the sample requested in Schedule 20?
The agency is permitted to self-select the sample of 30 employees to be entered within the Schedule. For this reason, supporting documentation must be provided for 100% of the agency's employee population along with the cost report submission. Source documentation that substantiates the completeness and accuracy of Schedule 20 must be uploaded to the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site within seven calendar days of cost report submission.
Q.18. In Schedule 20, is there a limitation to the sample size? Does the Department want total wages for all selected employees? If full FTE details are provided within the supporting documentation, is a sample required?
The sample size is limited to 30 employees in 2023, but that is subject to change in future years at the Department's discretion. Please refer to section "Schedule 20" of the 2023 Home Care Cost Report Instructions for further instructions, which explains that agencies must report Total Base Wages and Total Base Hours for each employee reported in the sample. Schedule 20 requests sample data entries to help test compliance with NYS Minimum Wage laws, in addition to the Department's supporting documentation request and as such, full FTE details alone will not satisfy the request.