Repair & Flushing

How to Clean Your Well

Take the following steps before using the well again if it is contaminated. Be sure the electricity is off until you complete your check of the well as shown above. Never step in water around a well, unless you are sure the power is off.

Wait until the well has been restored by proper flushing and disinfection before you drink or wash with well water.

4 Steps to Flush Your Well
Step Instructions
1. Clean Remove any visible mud, sediment, and other debris from the well casing, cap, and other accessible components. If there is excessive mud or sediment in the well, get professional help to remove the pump before cleaning or repairing.
2. Re-grade If the ground around the well is sloped down towards it, re-grade it so surface water flows away from the well casing. Surface water may contain contaminants that can get into the well if water flows down along the well casing.
3. Start pump After the pump has been inspected and repaired, or replaced if necessary, turn it on. If it does not start or pump water, get assistance from a registered well driller or pump contractor.
4. Flush Pump the water until it runs clear to get rid of any groundwater in the well. Use a hose connected to an outside faucet so the flushed water flows to a nearby drainageway rather than into your septic system or public sewer. Depending on the size and depth of the well and extent of contamination, pumping times will vary; it may take thirty minutes, or it could take several hours or days until the water runs clear.