Allegany County Compliance Report 2020

Name (PWS ID) Type Violation Type Contaminant(s) Months Covered Status
DOLLAR GENERAL-RUSHFORD STORE #17999 (NY0232120) NC-Non-community transient water system 02 - MCL, AVERAGE-ARSENIC Arsenic April to June No longer in violation
DOLLAR GENERAL-RUSHFORD STORE #17999 (NY0232120) NC-Non-community transient water system 02 - MCL, AVERAGE-ARSENIC Arsenic January to March No longer in violation
EMPIRE CHEESE, INC. (NY0200401) NTNC-Non-transient non-community water system 3A - MONITORING, ROUTINE, MAJOR (RTCR)-REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) October Corrective action taken
HUME-SANDFORD WATER SUPPLY (NY0200322) C-Community water system 3B - MONITORING, ADD. ROUTINE, MINOR (RTCR)-REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) March No longer in violation