Child Adolescent Needs and Strengths - NY (CANS-NY)

The CANS-NY serves as a guide in decision making for Health Homes Serving Children, as well as to guide service planning specifically for children and adolescents under the age of 21 with behavioral needs, medical needs, developmental disabilities, and juvenile justice involvement. The purpose of the CANS-NY is to accurately represent the shared vision of the child serving system–child and families. As such, completion of the CANS-NY is accomplished in order to allow for the effective communication of this shared vision for use at all levels of the system. Since its primary purpose is communication, the CANS-NY is designed based on communication theory rather than the psychometric theories that have influenced most measurement development.

CANS-NY Institute Website:

  • A Guide to Edits chart
    As of May 2022, the six-month requirement for completing the Child Adolescent Needs and Strengths – NY (CANS-NY) has been changed to an annual basis. CMs/HCBS providers/C-YES/MMCPs must revise their procedures and timelines. A Guide to Edits chart lists each of the documents revised as a result of this policy change, showing the prior and new language and location of each change made.
  • HCBS LOC Algorithms (PDF)
  • Updated CANS NY 2.0 Launch Information - (Web) - (PDF)
  • CANS-NY 2.0 Launch - (Web) - (PDF)
    • CANS-NY 2.0 Reference Guide 0-5 for Health Home - Effective November 2023 - (PDF)
    • CANS-NY 2.0 Reference Guide 6-21 for Health Home - Effective November 2023 - (PDF)
  • CANS-NY Training Series Information and Current Training Calendar - (external link)

The NYS Department of Health and the CANS-NY Technical Assistance Institute continue to host the CANS-NY introductory and supervisory trainings in webinar format. This webinar format continues to meet the NYS DOH in-person training requirement, as there are processes in place during these webinar trainings to ensure accountability to training requirements. To register for these trainings:

  • Log on to
  • On the home page, choose "New York" as the Category for the calendar
  • Click on the training date that works best for you
  • Click "Details" to view the training's registration page and register
  • You will receive an email notification regarding your registration and a second email confirming that your registration has been approved.

The NYS Department of Health and the CANS-NY Technical Institute would like to announce training opportunities and resources for Health Home/C-YES Care Managers and their Supervisors in the continued effort to support and strengthen the collaborative practice when utilizing the CANS-NY assessment tool. The CANS-NY is a tool designed to support deeply collaborative practice from assessment to care planning to progress monitoring. The training will emphasize practice, role-play, and experiential understanding of youth and family engagement strategies, including the use of outreach contacts to develop engagement and begin assessment, an understanding of the importance of the assessment process in complex care coordination, and the ability to build a shared understanding of the purpose of the CANS-NY to youth and families during the assessment and care planning process. Strategies for using the CANS-NY action levels to develop a shared vision with youth and family, to negotiate disagreement and build consensus, and to talk about sensitive topics with youth and family will be presented and practiced. Throughout the training, a range of strategies to build, track, and sustain engagement with youth and their caregivers will be learned by participants.

CANS-NY and the UAS-NY Resources

Fair Hearing/State Review Appeals in the HCBS/LOC

UAS-NY Support Desk
518-408-1021, option 1
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

CANS-NY Training and click on contact us

CANS-NY Policy

MAPP Customer Care Center
Phone: 518-649-4335

Commerce Accounts Management Unit (CAMU)

1915 Children's Waiver Home and Community Based Services Resources

  • Children's Waiver Home and Community Based Services resources and guidance can be found here.

CANS-NY - Training Course