Ebola Healthcare Provider Information

Health Care Provider Webinar - November 29, 2022 (12:00pm – 1:00pm)

What to do if You Have a Patient Presenting with Suspected Ebola Virus Disease

Although in most circumstances diagnoses of other acute communicable diseases will be much more likely than EVD, even among travelers from affected countries, facilities should remain vigilant for EVD, but also consider COVID-19, influenza, malaria, measles, gastroenteritis, and other illnesses that affect both travelers and non-travelers. Whenever there is concern about EVD, you must discuss your patient's particular case with your local health department or New York City Department of Health (NYCDOHMH), as appropriate.

Screen any ill patient who presents with fever and additional symptoms related to EVD per the patient registration protocol outlined above with criteria outlined in the October 27, 2022 Ebola Hospital Advisory. Ensure that screening for COVID-19 continues. For patients identified as potentially ill with EVD, follow the post-screening protocols listed in the advisory.

Providers are required to identify and maintain in up-to-date status two (2) lead points of contact in the Health Commerce System (HCS) Communications Directory in the role of 24/7 Ebola Lead. Instructions are available here as well as in October 27, 2022 Ebola Hospital Advisory.


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