Table 4: Live Birth Summary by Mother's Race/Ethnicity, New York State 2011

Category Total1 Number Total Percent Race/Ethnicity
White Only Number White Only Percent Black Only Number Black Only Percent Other Number Other Percent Hispanic2 Number Hispanic Percent
All Births 239,736 100.0 146,533 100.0 42,637 100.0 50,065 100.0 57,031 100.0
Male 122,381 51.0 75,063 51.2 21,552 50.5 25,494 50.9 28,699 50.3
Female 117,353 49.0 71,468 48.8 21,085 49.5 24,571 49.1 28,332 49.7
Not Stated 2 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Mother's Age
10 - 14 180 0.1 67 0.0 72 0.2 40 0.1 84 0.1
15 - 17 3,811 1.6 1,775 1.2 1,168 2.7 863 1.7 1,722 3.0
18 - 19 9,868 4.1 5,111 3.5 2,820 6.6 1,916 3.8 3,639 6.4
20 - 24 45,929 19.2 26,157 17.9 10,547 24.7 9,112 18.2 14,287 25.1
25 - 29 64,305 26.8 38,508 26.3 11,108 26.1 14,533 29.0 15,658 27.5
30 - 34 67,655 28.2 44,178 30.1 9,419 22.1 13,967 27.9 12,934 22.7
35 - 39 37,372 15.6 24,014 16.4 5,597 13.1 7,679 15.3 6,859 12.0
40 - 44 9,795 4.1 6,189 4.2 1,754 4.1 1,825 3.6 1,752 3.1
45 + 812 0.3 529 0.4 149 0.3 130 0.3 93 0.2
Not Stated 9 0.0 5 0.0 3 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0
Marital Status
Out of Wedlock 99,018 41.3 48,256 32.9 30,120 70.6 20,455 40.9 37,235 65.3
Married 138,587 57.8 96,417 65.8 12,429 29.2 29,441 58.8 19,526 34.2
Not Stated 2,131 0.9 1,860 1.3 88 0.2 169 0.3 270 0.5
< 1500 gms 3,526 1.5 1,722 1.2 1,191 2.8 602 1.2 783 1.4
1500-2499 gms 15,891 6.6 8,534 5.8 4,031 9.5 3,300 6.6 3,492 6.1
2500 + gms 220,081 91.8 136,242 93.0 37,413 87.7 46,159 92.2 52,544 92.1
Not Stated 238 0.1 35 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 212 0.4
Single Births 230,339 96.1 140,236 95.7 41,004 96.2 48,611 97.1 55,473 97.3
Twins 8,954 3.7 5,930 4.0 1,606 3.8 1,406 2.8 1,497 2.6
Triplets + 442 0.2 367 0.3 27 0.1 48 0.1 60 0.1
Not Stated 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0
Month PNC Began
1st - 3rd month 167,091 69.7 107,633 73.5 25,804 60.5 33,503 66.9 36,290 63.6
4th - 6th month 49,230 20.5 26,258 17.9 10,756 25.2 12,147 24.3 14,641 25.7
7th - 9th month 11,123 4.6 4,840 3.3 3,600 8.4 2,657 5.3 3,505 6.1
No PNC 1,608 0.7 776 0.5 572 1.3 245 0.5 435 0.8
PNC Start Unk 6,783 2.8 4,851 3.3 963 2.3 953 1.9 1,220 2.1
PNC Unknown 3,901 1.6 2,175 1.5 942 2.2 560 1.1 940 1.6
Order of Birth
1st Child 102,847 42.9 62,477 42.6 17,858 41.9 22,183 44.3 22,752 39.9
2nd Child 75,789 31.6 46,422 31.7 12,449 29.2 16,854 33.7 17,949 31.5
3rd Child 35,360 14.7 21,431 14.6 6,673 15.7 7,218 14.4 10,027 17.6
4th Child + 25,697 10.7 16,191 11.0 5,644 13.2 3,802 7.6 6,294 11.0
Not Stated 43 0.0 12 0.0 13 0.0 8 0.0 9 0.0
Method of Delivery
Vaginal 156,855 65.4 96,877 66.1 26,605 62.4 33,186 66.3 37,592 65.9
Cesarean 81,858 34.1 49,126 33.5 15,899 37.3 16,743 33.4 18,869 33.1
Not Stated 1,023 0.4 530 0.4 133 0.3 136 0.3 570 1.0
Mother's Education
< 12 Years 45,962 19.2 21,166 14.4 9,748 22.9 14,999 30.0 22,083 38.7
12 Years 52,985 22.1 30,736 21.0 11,604 27.2 10,604 21.2 13,793 24.2
13-15 Years 59,227 24.7 35,483 24.2 13,791 32.3 9,909 19.8 13,446 23.6
16 Years 41,957 17.5 28,535 19.5 4,857 11.4 8,543 17.1 4,710 8.3
17+ Years 38,251 16.0 30,054 20.5 2,363 5.5 5,814 11.6 2,519 4.4
Not Stated 1,354 0.6 559 0.4 274 0.6 196 0.4 480 0.8
Place of Birth
Hospital 234,931 98.0 142,800 97.5 42,260 99.1 49,647 99.2 55,941 98.1
Home 2,114 0.9 1,553 1.1 210 0.5 172 0.3 557 1.0
Other 2,680 1.1 2,175 1.5 166 0.4 246 0.5 525 0.9
Not Stated 11 0.0 5 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 8 0.0
Primary Financial Coverage
Medicaid/Fam Hlth Pl 116,581 48.6 56,161 38.3 29,248 68.6 30,990 61.9 41,092 72.1
Private Insurance 107,489 44.8 81,243 55.4 10,470 24.6 15,705 31.4 11,701 20.5
Self Pay 3,771 1.6 2,178 1.5 1,020 2.4 558 1.1 1,116 2.0
Indian Health Service 82 0.0 20 0.0 0 0.0 62 0.1 4 0.0
CHAMPUS/Tricare 2,154 0.9 1,672 1.1 196 0.5 286 0.6 279 0.5
Child Health Plus B 4,889 2.0 2,353 1.6 909 2.1 1,625 3.2 1,622 2.8
Other Insurance 2,373 1.0 1,376 0.9 514 1.2 482 1.0 465 0.8
Not Stated 2,397 1.0 1,530 1.0 280 0.7 357 0.7 752 1.3
Physician 212,366 88.6 128,665 87.8 38,456 90.2 45,037 90.0 49,811 87.3
Cert Midwife 24,232 10.1 15,588 10.6 3,860 9.1 4,721 9.4 6,361 11.2
Other 1,354 0.6 777 0.5 226 0.5 147 0.3 609 1.1
Not Stated 1,784 0.7 1,503 1.0 95 0.2 160 0.3 250 0.4
How Is Infant Fed3
Breast Milk only 86,126 39.8 62,843 46.9 9,825 26.8 13,364 29.5 14,831 28.8
Formula only 35,432 16.4 21,772 16.2 6,303 17.2 7,330 16.2 5,870 11.4
Both 91,586 42.3 47,082 35.1 20,155 54.9 24,233 53.4 30,085 58.4
Unknown 3,481 1.6 2,414 1.8 406 1.1 448 1.0 744 1.4
Pre-Pregnany Body Mass Index
Underweight 10,174 4.2 5,317 3.6 1,417 3.3 3,431 6.9 1,622 2.8
Normal Weight 117,352 49.0 74,262 50.7 15,717 36.9 27,290 54.5 25,217 44.2
Overweight 58,024 24.2 34,500 23.5 11,986 28.1 11,497 23.0 16,633 29.2
Obese 46,598 19.4 27,653 18.9 12,184 28.6 6,720 13.4 11,928 20.9
Unknown 7,588 3.2 4,801 3.3 1,333 3.1 1,127 2.3 1,631 2.9

1 Total Births includes births with race = "Not Stated".

2 Hispanic is a separate count equal to Hispanic White Only + Hispanic Black Only + Hispanic Other + Hispanic Race Not Stated.

3 Infants admitted to the NICU or transferred to another hospital are excluded