Table 20: Induced Abortion by Woman's Age, New York State - 2006

Category Woman's Age
Total1 <15 15-17 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45+ N.S.
Total Abortions 121,278 657 8,853 12,804 36,841 28,863 17,733 10,989 3,728 312 498
White 56,560 282 4,268 6,224 17,821 13,206 7,802 4,846 1,737 138 236
Black 50,349 325 3,835 5,270 14,923 12,109 7,550 4,589 1,450 122 176
Other 6,650 19 293 568 1,798 1,603 1,202 798 309 30 30
Hispanic 33,155 197 2,693 3,695 10,333 8,152 4,632 2,474 740 52 187
< 9 Wks 67,486 254 3,742 6,101 19,767 17,276 10,958 6,765 2,202 191 230
9-10 Weeks 21,012 133 1,868 2,524 6,722 4,727 2,722 1,621 606 40 49
11-12 Weeks 10,956 77 1,130 1,512 3,631 2,314 1,261 730 241 26 34
13-15 Weeks 7,081 58 817 1,018 2,356 1,385 742 496 169 16 24
16-19 Weeks 4,194 61 529 585 1,318 756 479 313 129 13 11
20+ Weeks 2,503 22 264 320 723 503 347 234 79 2 9
Previous Abortions
None 53,687 580 6,804 8,217 17,046 10,144 5,635 3,649 1,255 124 233
1 29,186 56 1,407 2,854 9,595 7,229 4,319 2,604 927 76 119
2 16,815 4 252 897 4,971 4,996 3,126 1,828 630 52 59
3 8,068 1 52 245 2,116 2,522 1,735 1,031 309 21 36
4 3,804 1 22 88 897 1,241 865 515 149 8 18
5+ 3,803 0 4 31 546 1,321 1,069 620 186 11 15
Hospital 14,119 99 1,108 1,337 3,895 3,199 2,143 1,574 666 45 53
Non Hospital 107,159 558 7,745 11,467 32,946 25,664 15,590 9,415 3,062 267 445
Financial Coverage
Medicaid 47,071 323 4,532 6,265 16,134 10,740 5,265 2,754 792 60 206
HMO 4,909 41 391 491 1,433 1,144 692 513 182 17 5
Other Ins 30,951 185 1,887 2,407 7,271 7,865 5,844 3,897 1,364 118 113
Self Pay 33,777 83 1,717 3,220 10,733 8,026 5,235 3,320 1,184 105 154
More Than One 386 1 31 27 113 105 60 33 12 4 0
Operative Procedure2
D & C 3,540 16 228 339 1,026 797 571 395 145 14 9
Suction & Cur 93,924 458 6,594 9,703 28,369 22,710 14,034 8,622 2,901 250 283
D & E 13,125 162 1,568 1,762 4,108 2,526 1,508 1,026 389 28 48
Saline Injection 3 24 0 3 2 3 8 2 3 3 0 0
Prostaglandin 38 0 1 2 7 6 12 8 2 0 0
Medical 10,607 20 455 989 3,364 2,774 1,597 946 285 22 155
Other 416 0 18 39 112 104 72 52 19 0 0

1 Total includes records with information Not Stated

2 For Induced Abortions occurring in New York City, only primary operative procedure is reported. In counties outside of New York City, each Operative Procedure is counted separately. Total operative procedures will be greater than the total of Induced Abortions.

3 New York City combines saline and prostaglandin injection and this combination is reported in the saline injection procedure.