Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries - Albany County, New York

This data is based upon the county of crash. The data is derived from the Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES). CODES is a database that matches individual records from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Accident Information System to the Hospital Discharge databases.

Please be advised that not all information may be available for all counties, as data based on frequencies of less than six are not reported to maintain the confidentiality of the crash victims.

Crashes on Roadways in Albany County

Albany County Residents

This data is based upon the county of residence. Data is derived from the Vital Statistics death files, Hospitalization Discharge Data Set, and the Outpatient Emergency Department Data. Please be advised that not all information may be available for all counties, as data based on means of less than two are not reported to maintain the confidentiality of the crash victims.

This fact sheet gives an overview of the traffic-related injury problem for Albany County residents