F. Waiver Provider Request to Terminate Provider Agreement

An approved waiver provider may choose to terminate one or all of the approved waiver service(s) with a written notice of termination to DOH WMS and a copy to the RRDS, at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date of termination in accordance with the Provider Agreement.

The provider must also send a written notice of termination to all participants receiving the service(s) to be terminated at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date of termination. The notice must direct the participant to contact his/her SC to select another provider.

The SC must assist the participant(s) in choosing a new provider and filling out the Request for Change of Provider form. The SC will assist the participant(s) and the terminating waiver provider through the period of transition from current to new provider(s). The terminating waiver provider is responsible for sending the applicable new waiver provider(s) the following copies of all evaluations, ISR, a copy of the detail plan and an update on the participant's accomplished goals.

In situations where the service being terminated is Service Coordination, the notice must direct the participant to contact the RRDS to select another provider. The RRDS must assist the participant in completing the Request for Change in Service Coordinator form. The RRDS must assure that all applicable documents (e.g. ISP, current Service Plan, evaluations, current PRI/SCREEN, ISRs, Detailed Plans, etc) are transferred from the current SC to the new SC.