A. Qualifications for Provider Agencies

All waiver providers, including those already approved to provide services under the Medicaid State Plan or another Medicaid waiver are required to also be approved as a NHTD waiver provider.

Waiver providers must be located in and able to provide services in New York State.

Providers must meet all licensure and other qualifications of the service(s) included on the application they are applying for as specified in this Program Manual (refer to Section VI-Waiver Services).

Providers are responsible to know, understand and implement the waiver in accordance with the policies and procedures established in this Program Manual and any updates or changes to it.

Providers may request approval for any number of waiver services. Providers may apply to provide additional services or become a provider in additional Regional Resource Development Center regions at any time. The approval process to add services or Regions is the same as the initial application process.

If at any time a provider is unable to maintain qualified staff, it will not be able to provide that service/services. The waiver provider must report any changes in status to the appropriate RRDC.

Providers must adhere to all Medicaid confidentiality and Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements and ensure the privacy of the waiver participant. Providers must adhere to all responsibilities and conditions delineated in the Provider Agreement (refer to Appendix A – form A.2).