Dear Interested Party Letter Serving as a Notification for the Addition of Section 2822 of the Public Health Law (PHL)

April 2, 2010

Dear Interested Parties:

This letter will serve as a notification for the addition of Section 2822 of the Public Health Law (PHL). This amendment will establish the "Residential care off-site facility demonstration project." Under the demonstration project the Department of Health will approve up to three residential health care facilities to provide physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as related educational services, at an off-site facility as a means to assess reimbursement methodologies and delivery methods related to such services.

Demonstration programs allow the state to test innovative approaches to care delivery that would often be impossible or subject to burdensome administrative requirements. This specific provision of physical therapy and other services outside of a nursing home will broaden the range of care and treatment residents are able to access.

In order to be an eligible provider, an applicant must be issued an RHCF operating certificate, along with a certificate to provide outpatient services at its main location. Should you be interested in applying for the 3 slots, please submit a letter to Mark Kissinger by May 1, 2010. Please consult the specifics of Section 2822 of the Public Health Law (PHL) prior to submitting an application.


Mark Kissinger
Deputy Commissioner
Office of Long Term Care