DAL: DAL 14-14: EALR Work group Q&A

June 26, 2014

DAL: DAL 14-14


Dear Administrator/Operator:

The purpose of this letter is to provide responses to questions received regarding the Enhanced Assisted Living Residence (EALR). Responses to the questions are included in the attached document, EALR Work group Q&A.

This information will also be posted on the Department’s website. Future inquiries should be directed to acfinfo@health.state.ny.us.

Thank you for your continued assistance. Please feel free to contact Dot Persico at (518) 408-1133 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence.


Valerie A. Deetz, Director
Division of ACF and Assisted Living Surveillance

cc: K. Servis
B. Barrington
K. Crissey
P. Hasan
J. Pinto
N. Nickason
